Università di Roma Tor Vergata


Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive

Department of Industrial Engineering and School of Medicine and Surgery

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E-Notice (2017 - expected 2022)

2017-expected 2022


The University of Rome Tor Vergata in the aim of the activities of the International Master courses in protection against CBRNe events has been awarded with a grant in the framework of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission.

The project is called:


European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters

Horizon 2020 SEC-21–GM-2016-2017 topic: Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security, part c) “Entities from around Europe that manage demonstration and testing sites, training facilities, including simulators or serious gaming platforms in the area of CBRN”
Prof. Leonardo Palombi directs the International Master Courses in “Protection against CBRNe”. Dr. Pasquale Gaudio (Department of Industrial Engineering) coordinates the Master Courses and Dr. Andrea Malizia (Department of Biomedicine and Prevention) is the didactic director. Those Master Courses are among the most important and recognized courses on safety and security. They have been the first Academic courses in Europe to get thestatus of NATO SELECTED, and the unique in the world to have an official cooperation agreement with the OPCW. The courses also promoted the achievement of the status of the University of Rome Tor Vergata as CEPOL framework partner. The National collaborations with the Italian Prime Minister Office, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the most important Public, Private and Military Entities operating the CBRNe frame also contributed to the high quality of these courses.

The achievement of this H2020 grant couldn’t have been possible without the laudable commitment of our brilliant collaborators Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni and Dr. Mariachiara Carestia, that worked hard under the close supervision and strategic support of Prof. Carlo Bellecci, President of the CBRNe Master courses Scientific Board.

Of course, a special thanks goes also to all the wonderful people that works behind the scene of the CBRNe Master courses  goes to all the people that every day turn a beautiful vision into reality.

In Europe, practitioners interested in the uptake of security research and innovation (e.g. firefighters, police and intelligence communities, border guards, custom authorities, explosive specialists, forensic laboratories, medical emergency teams, etc.) are dedicated to performing their duty and to focusing on their operation. In general, practitioners’ organizations have little means to free workforces from daily operations, and to dedicate time and resources to monitor innovation and research that could be useful to them. They have little opportunities to interact with academia or with industry on such issues.
The aim of this project is to cluster Entities from around Europe that manage demonstration and testing sites, training facilities, including simulators or serious gaming platforms in the area of CBRN and for first responders or civil protection practitioners together to: 1) establish and maintain a roster of capabilities and facilities, and 2) organize to share expertise, and 3) plan to pool and share resources with a view to optimize investments.

The Countries involved are Belgium, France, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, and, of course Italy, represented by the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the NBC School of Rieti.

Greetings to all the CBRNe Master colleagues for this important achievement, crown jewel of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and of the Departments of Biomedicine and Prevention and Industrial Engineering. 









Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Industrial Engineering Department
(Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale)
Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Roma

By Car

  • Coming from the
    ROME-NAPLES highway

    Coming from the
    ROME-NAPLES highway

    • Take the TORRENOVA exit, drive to the traffic light and turn left (towards "Casilina").
    • Continue on "via di Passolombardo" and follow the signs to the Engineering School ("Ingegneria").
  • Coming from
    Rome's Ring (G.R.A.)

    Coming from
    Rome's Ring (G.R.A.)

    • Inside lane (decreasing exit numbers): take "Roma-Napoli" highway exit and, on the ramp, turn left to "Romanina". After passing over the ring, take "via Stanford" and follow the signs to "via della Sorbona". At the first roundabout, take the first exit (left) to "via del Politecnico".
    • Outside lane (ascending exit numbers): take the "Romanina" exit and, after passing over the ring, take "via Stanford" and follow the signs to "via della Sorbona". At the first roundabout, take the first exit (left) to "via del Politecnico".

By Public Transport

    (FIUMICINO) airport

    (FIUMICINO) airport

    • Take the Rome-Fiumicino train ("Leonardo Express") at the airport to the terminal (Termini central station).
    • Take subway line A towards "Anagnina" and get off at "Anagnina" (last stop).
    • Take bus 20 Express and get off at "via Cambridge"'s second stop.
  • From
    CIAMPINO airport

    CIAMPINO airport

    • Take the airport shuttle bus to the "Anagnina" subway stop (line A terminal).
    • Take bus 20 Express and get off at "via Cambridge"'s second stop.
  • From Rome's Central Train Station

    From Rome's Central Train Station

    • Take subway line A towards "Anagnina" and get off at "Anagnina" (last stop).
    • Take bus 20 Express and get off at "via Cambridge"'s second stop.

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