Dirty Bomb Drones, Physical-Logical Urban Protection Systems and Explosive/Radiological Materials regulation’s challenges in the Age of Globalization
Dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure announce that the paper:
"Dirty Bomb Drones, Physical-Logical Urban Protection Systems and Explosive/Radiological Materials regulation’s challenges in the Age of Globalization"
by: Pietro Rossetti, Fabio Garzia, Nicola Silverio Genco, Cosimo Rossetti, Simone Scolari
has been published on "Biomedicine and Prevention: An open access transdisciplinary Journal vol. 3 - CBRNe safety. Special issue (PART 1). CBRNe safety: the Biomedicine and Prevention focus point (PART 1): Special issue of the First Scientific International Conference on CBRNE (#SICC2017)