Great news for the CBRNe Master Courses.
The proposal “EUProtect” will be financed by the European Union under the programme ISFP-2018-AG-CT (H2020).
The goal of EUProtect is to develop new concepts of urban landscape design aiming at reducing the vulnerability of public spaces against terrorist threats, taking into account the recent rapid changes in terrorism threats. Special care will be paid to citizens, through modelling and simulation of their behaviour in the event of terrorist attacks. This will include virtual assessment of different protection measures. Soft target use-cases have been involved for the scope and include a metro station. This will bring to the development of measures applicable to different targets, covering both standard and CBRN attacks. Best practice guidelines will be produced, aiming at providing advice to security stakeholders for reducing the risk of an attack and introducing proper measures for citizens and soft targets protection. Finally the decision-making community will be addressed through a specific dissemination effort to enhance the awareness of terrorist threats and scenarios facing soft targets.
Univeristy of Rome Tor Vergata will share its expertise in CBRN matters and training to support EUProtect, that is coordinated by Stam srl ( and run in cooperation with:
Istituto Affari Internazionali (, Metro de Madrid SA (, APF SOLUCIONES DE GESTION SL ( and Paulinyi-Reith & Partners Zrt. Hungary (
The 36 months project will start in October 2019.
Stay tuned for updates on EUProtect!