eNOTICE Joint Activity the National CBRN Centre in Birmingham
The last joint activity of eNOTICE project, hosted by the West Midlands Police and the National CBRN Centre in Birmingham (https://www.h2020-enotice.eu/static/profile.html?id=4 ), was concluded just over a week ago.
The activity consisted of a full day table top exercise, based on a fast acting Chemical CBRN mass casualty event requiring a coherent multi-agency detection, identification and monitoring capability, decontamination strategy and mass casualty planning.
The Joint activity gave also the opportunity to a group of rappresentatives from the EU project PROACTIVE ( https://uic.org/com/uic-e-news/647/article/uic-led-project-proactive-officially-launched-in-the-presence-of-the-consortium?page=modal_enews ) to join the eNOTICE project members in order to discuss about future common exercises of the two projects.
Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni attended the meeting to represent our #MasterCBRN and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata and Marco Carosi as representative of the Scuola Interforze per la Difesa Nucleare Biologica e Chimica that are partners that are partner of this very interesting European project.
For more information on eNOTICE write to daniele.di.giovanni@uniroma2.it or visit: https://www.h2020-enotice.eu/
The pictures show the eNOTICE project members at the last Joint Activity in Birmingham, UK.