Università di Roma Tor Vergata


Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive

Department of Industrial Engineering and School of Medicine and Surgery

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eNOTICE Joint Activity the National CBRN Centre in Birmingham


The last joint activity of eNOTICE project, hosted by the West Midlands Police and the National CBRN Centre in Birmingham (https://www.h2020-enotice.eu/static/profile.html?id=4 ), was concluded just over a week ago.

The activity consisted of a full day table top exercise, based on a fast acting Chemical CBRN mass casualty event requiring a coherent multi-agency detection, identification and monitoring capability, decontamination strategy and mass casualty planning.

The Joint activity gave also the opportunity to a group of rappresentatives from the EU project PROACTIVE ( https://uic.org/com/uic-e-news/647/article/uic-led-project-proactive-officially-launched-in-the-presence-of-the-consortium?page=modal_enews ) to join the eNOTICE project members in order to discuss about future common exercises of the two projects.

Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni attended the meeting to represent our #MasterCBRN and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata and Marco Carosi as representative of the Scuola Interforze per la Difesa Nucleare Biologica e Chimica that are partners that are partner of this very interesting European project.

For more information on eNOTICE write to daniele.di.giovanni@uniroma2.it or visit: https://www.h2020-enotice.eu/

The pictures show the eNOTICE project members at the last Joint Activity in Birmingham, UK.


MasterCBRN_enotice_July2019 (1)-min.jpg

Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Industrial Engineering Department
(Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale)
Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Roma

By Car

  • Coming from the
    ROME-NAPLES highway

    Coming from the
    ROME-NAPLES highway

    • Take the TORRENOVA exit, drive to the traffic light and turn left (towards "Casilina").
    • Continue on "via di Passolombardo" and follow the signs to the Engineering School ("Ingegneria").
  • Coming from
    Rome's Ring (G.R.A.)

    Coming from
    Rome's Ring (G.R.A.)

    • Inside lane (decreasing exit numbers): take "Roma-Napoli" highway exit and, on the ramp, turn left to "Romanina". After passing over the ring, take "via Stanford" and follow the signs to "via della Sorbona". At the first roundabout, take the first exit (left) to "via del Politecnico".
    • Outside lane (ascending exit numbers): take the "Romanina" exit and, after passing over the ring, take "via Stanford" and follow the signs to "via della Sorbona". At the first roundabout, take the first exit (left) to "via del Politecnico".

By Public Transport

    (FIUMICINO) airport

    (FIUMICINO) airport

    • Take the Rome-Fiumicino train ("Leonardo Express") at the airport to the terminal (Termini central station).
    • Take subway line A towards "Anagnina" and get off at "Anagnina" (last stop).
    • Take bus 20 Express and get off at "via Cambridge"'s second stop.
  • From
    CIAMPINO airport

    CIAMPINO airport

    • Take the airport shuttle bus to the "Anagnina" subway stop (line A terminal).
    • Take bus 20 Express and get off at "via Cambridge"'s second stop.
  • From Rome's Central Train Station

    From Rome's Central Train Station

    • Take subway line A towards "Anagnina" and get off at "Anagnina" (last stop).
    • Take bus 20 Express and get off at "via Cambridge"'s second stop.

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